With robotic process automation (RPA), repetitive and routine manual processes are automated, allowing employees to focus on higher-value tasks.


RPA is based on software robots, which are capable of mimicking human activity within digital systems. These robots can perform actions such as data entry, calculations, reading and writing information, and generating reports.


One of the main advantages of RPA is its ability to work 24 hours a day without the need for rest. Additionally, RPA robots are highly precise and significantly reduce the margin of human error, thus improving the quality of work.


Another key advantage is its flexibility and adaptability. Robots can work with a wide range of systems and applications, and they can be programmed to perform specific tasks according to the needs of each company.


Robotic process automation is a technology that is transforming the way companies carry out their administrative tasks, allowing employees to focus on higher-value tasks and improving work efficiency and quality.